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  • Honoring Athletes, Coaches and Benefactors whose outstanding performance has earned them the right to be enshrined in the
    Sussex County Sports Hall of Fame!









































    The Sussex County Sports Hall of Fame

     2003 Inductees



    1950 Newton High graduate-Brown, a talented athlete, was “Frosh Flash of Basketball” to Si “Sam” Ingler, Hall of Famer and Dean of Sports Journalism & for breaking Braves 9 yr. Gridiron losing record.  Brown’s exceptional play earned him 7 captaincies, 10 varsity letters as basketball’s right guard, football offensive and defensive’s right half backs, and baseball’s infielder: as well as Varsity “N” for coaching Jr. Varsity basketball team.  Holds unbroken gridiron interceptions record.  Received recognition by county coaches and NY Giants coach while Sussex and Morris County sports writers said “unquestionably the best basketball player the County had seen”.  Was Fairleigh Dickinson University Varsity golf star and captain of undefeated team against such as Princeton, Columbia, Army, Penn State, AND NYU.  A leading amateur golfer, winning the State U.S.O. Open and Mini Western among his more than 60 tournament victories.  1972-74 chaired Fairleigh’s Education Opportunity Program and taught EOF students golf.  Professional horseman, horse specialist for NJ ASPCA.  1994-1996 NJ Sec. State appointed Brown as captain of the Sport Cheer conferences.  NJ Chief Justice Wilentz appointed Brown to NJ Supreme Court Judiciary Task Force serving for 10 yrs.  NJ Supreme Court Annual Probation Conference, and currently co-chairs Sussex County Prosecutor’s Human Relations Commission.


    1985 graduate of Pope John XXIII High School.  Earned twelve (12) Varsity Letters in four years including: Softball-1982 and 1983, Field Hockey- 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1985, Basketball- 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1985, Track-1984 and 1985.

    In 1985-SCIL All Star in Field Hockey; Sussex County Conference Team in Basketball; All SCIL Team in Track; All Area in Track; Athlete of the Week (June 6, 1985); and Athlete of the Month (June 1985). 

    1991 Graduate of Bloomsburg University.  Participated in Field Hockey for four (4) years.  All Conference Team in 1989; Player of the Week (Pennsylvania Conference) 9/10/90-9/17/90 and 10/22/90.  Division III Player of the Year in 1990.  Elected All American two (2) times.  Invited to U.S. Field Hockey Association Camp in 1990.  Participated in Lacrosse for two (2) years.  Elected to All American Team one (1) time. 

    Additional Accolades: Lacrosse Coach at GLoucheSTEr College.  Capital Athletic Conference Coach of the Year-1996; PSAC Lacrosse Coach of the Year 1999 and 2002; Division II Lacrosse Coach of the Year-2002 and 2003.


    Bill began his weight lifting as part of a physical workout program in local gymnasiums at the age of fifty nine (59).  He began competing in the sixty-sixty four (60-64) age group THEREAFTER.  He set the following records in that group for bench press:

    Anti-Drug Athletes Union                      198 lb. Wt. Class   372 lbs

    United States Power lifting Federation    198 lb. Wt. Class   402 lbs

    World Natural Power lifting Federation   198 lb. Wt. Class   402 lbs.

                                                                220 lb. Wt. Class   415 lbs.

    United States America Power lifting        198 lb. Wt. Class   402 lbs

                                                                220 lb. Wt. Class   402 lbs.

    National Records U.S.A.P.I.  2001          198 lb. Wt. Class   385 lbs.

                                                2002          198 lb. Wt. Class   407 lbs.

                                                 2003         198 lb. Wt. Class   407 lbs.

    World Masters Bench-press Championship-Int’l Power lifting Federation

    First Place 2002 Killeen Texas                198 lb. Wt. Class   374 lbs.

    First Place 2003 Nymbukrk, Czechia       198 lb. Wt. Class   402 lbs.

    Holds Existing I.P.F. World Record                                        413 lbs. 

    Special Note:  At the World Power Lifting Championship in Czechia 2003, there were ten (10) weight classes.  A Champ of Champions was designated based on selected POWER LIFTING criteria.  Bill Phillips was named Champ of the Champions in the 60 plus age group.  He has qualified for the 2004 World Championships.

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